Acupuncture Therapy
Service Description
At Holistic Corner, we offer acupuncture, a time-honored practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, designed to promote balance and overall well-being. Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of very fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body, which are believed to regulate the flow of energy (Qi) and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. In addition to acupuncture, cupping therapy may also be available based on your specific needs or the recommendation of your practitioner. Cupping involves the use of specialized cups placed on the skin to create suction, which can help promote circulation, reduce muscle tension, and encourage the removal of toxins from the body. Common benefits of acupuncture and cupping include: Relief from pain and muscle tension Reduction in stress and anxiety Improved circulation and energy flow Enhanced overall wellness and relaxation Your practitioner will determine if cupping is appropriate for your treatment during your session to ensure you receive the most effective care. Please note: Both acupuncture and cupping are complementary health practices intended to support your wellness. These therapies are not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for any medical concerns. Experience the healing potential of acupuncture and cupping in a calming and supportive environment.
Contact Details
1051 E Alessandro Blvd, Riverside, CA, USA